
Aloha e komo mai – Bienvenido – Apu’u – Bem-vindo – 欢迎 – Mabuhay – Mānava – Chào mừng
Welcome to the exciting and rapidly evolving world of hibiscus! The advances we have seen over the past 5 to 10 years have taken the flower world leaps and bounds forward with respect to bloom colors, combination of colors and size of blooms. And the most exciting part is that Southern California is playing a central role in this flower revolution.

Thanks to long time local hybridizers and growers Charles and Cindy Black of Hidden Valley Hibiscus they have painstakingly spent decades hybridizing hibiscus plants to become lush, gorgeous bushes that bloom profusely with oversized blooms of shockingly beautiful colors. And the best news of all is we can grow them here year round with no let up in blooms!
Carmel Dawn 9″ Exotic Hibiscus Bloom – Hidden Valley Hibiscus
The Southern California Hibiscus Society is a friendly, open group of passionate growers and admirers of these spell binding flowers and plants. Our mission is to get the word out because parts of Southern California have the appropriate climate to grow these magnificent plants outdoors year round. There are few places in the United States where you can. In fact the two best locations are Hawaii and the Southern California Coastal Plain. Our ideology is who doesn’t like flowers (kind of like who hates ice cream!) so the bigger and more colorful the more people are going to love them. I know we sure do!

Few seem to know about this quiet revolution going on in the flower world. We are here to change that and hope that you will be as inspired as we are to share in the excitement of such colorful creations of nature.

Our society is dedicated to teaching our members how to grow exotic hibiscus as they are not like other plants and require much special care and attention. We have a host of expert growers that have mastered the skill set needed to get results that are truly extraordinary and are hard to match in the plant world.

We think you will find that the world of hibiscus to be a whole lot more than you ever imagined it could be, full of passionate growers and hybridizers that are coming out with creations that are truly extraordinary. And this is not just a local phenomenon either as there are quite a few places in the world now that are experiencing the hibiscus revolution in full force. Check out the International Hibiscus Society where thousands of people share the passion for these fantastic plants International Hibiscus Society

We encourage you to come to one of our meetings as we hold a majority of them at grower’s homes so you can see the behind the scenes action and learn valuable inside tips to achieve the colorful garden of your dreams.

Happy Hibiscusing!
Darren Eminian
President, SCHS